K-9 Gator
New Richmond, Oh PDK-9 GATOR
K-9 Gator did a great job seizing illegal narcotics.
K-9 Blek
Franklin County, Oh Sheriff'sOfficeK-9 BLEK
K-9 Blek has seized $3,000,000 in US Currency and over 1,000 pounds of narcotics. Awesome!!!
K-9 Blek
Franklin County Sheriff's OfficeK-9 BLEK
Over 9 Million US Currency seized so far.
K-9 Achill
Strongsville, Oh PDK-9 ACHILL
K-9 Achill $392,000 in US currency. Great job!
K-9 Sully
Lyndhurst, Oh PDK-9 SULLY
Seizure of illegal narcotics, currency and weapons thanks to K-9 Sully.
K-9 Felix
Great job Felix!
K-9 Sully
Lyndhurst, OH PDK-9 SULLY
Another great job by K-9 Sully.
K-9 Tyson
Parma, Oh PDK-9 TYSON
Great currency seizure by K-9 Tyson.
K-9 Deacon
Orange Village, Oh PDK-9 DEACON
K-9 Deacon was only 1 month out of school when he hit it big in Orange Village.
K-9 Peto
Brecksville, Oh PDK-9 PETO
K-9 Peto was a new dog for Brecksville PD when he made this seizure.
K-9 Sammy
Cuyahoga County Sheriff's OfficeK-9 SAMMY
K-9 Sammy did a great job for the sheriff’s office.
K-9 Recon
South Euclid, Oh PDK-9 RECON
Great job Recon!
K-9 Chino
Independence, Oh PDK-9 CHINO
K-9 Chino made an impressive seizure for Independence PD.
K-9 Max
Euclid, Oh PDK-9 MAX
K-9 Max of the Euclid PD made an impressive seizure.
K-9 Storm
Ohio State Highway PatrolK-9 STORM
K-9 Storm is hard at work for the highway patrol.
K-9 Storm
Ohio State Highway PatrolK-9 STORM
Illegal narcotics were seized thanks to K-9 Storm.
K-9 Storm
Ohio State Highway PatrolK-9 STORM
US Currency seized by K-9 Storm. Well done!
K-9 Dexter
Federal Task ForceK-9 DEXTER
Excellent Work by K-9 Dexter!
K-9 Aro
Walton Hills, Oh PDK-9 ARO
K-9 Aro seized US currency in his first month on the job.
K-9 Rek
Delaware County, Oh Sheriff's OfficeK-9 REK
K-9 Rek located a handgun while tracking a robbery suspect.
K-9 Koda
Oakwood Village, Oh PDK-9 KODA
US Currency seized thanks to K-9 Koda.
K-9 Koda
Oakwood Village, Oh PDK-9 KODA
An impressive array of items seized thanks to K-9 Koda.
K-9 Achil
Strongsville, Oh PDK-9 ACHIL
Over $100,000 in US Currency.
K-9 Jack
Cleveland, Oh PDK-9 JACK
K-9 Jack makes amazing seizures for the Cleveland PD.
K-9 Loretto
Perry Village, Oh PDK-9 LORETTO
K-9 Loretto does a great job keeping Perry Village Drug Free!